Does he want a baby?

So my boyfriend and I (we are both almost 30) have sex quite often.. multiple times a day sometimes. We use condoms but start off without.

This morning we had sex and after I had gone home, he texted me saying: Um so this morning when we did that thing I keep thinking that I might have let a little out early but I don’t know if I’m just being paranoid because it didn’t completely feel like it.

I replied with, “well what should I do?”

He offered buying me a plan b pill

Sometimes I get the feeling that he wouldn’t mind if I got pregnant, obviously if we start off WITHOUT protection.. but I’m not sure if he offered the plan b because he’s too afraid to mention that he doesn’t mind?

I brought up birth control and he wasn’t against it, he kind of low key agreed and then got a little awkward with the conversation and the subject changed.

Should I just ask him straight up if he wants kids?

We haven’t been together very long. And don’t come after me with “USE PROTECTION WAH WAH” we are both almost fuckin 30 and have great careers lol.

Idk if this matters or not but I get pregnant VERY easily.. I have been pregnant twice, I have one child now who is 4.

Period is due in 4 days..

Should I bring kids up to him or wait?