13 days late... i need some advice


Hi, all. So a little back story; I got off birth control last August and hubby and I started TTC late December. I am currently 12 days late for my period and I am never ever late. I am having all the classic early pregnancy symptoms (CRAZY cramps, fatigue, bloating, sore boobs, increased appetite, etc) BUT I’ve had three negative pregnancy tests. (1 on 1 day late, 1 at 8 days late, and one this morning). I definitely want to be pregnant but at this point, I just want the positive or AF to show up. But preferably the BFP :).... I just find it crazy a month or so after we start TTC, this happens. Has this happened to anyone else? Did you end up being pregnant? Could something else be wrong? Thanks in advance for experiences and advice shared!!