I am angry at my uterus

Or more so angry about the fact that I have one. My periods are so painful that I throw up and nearly pass out.

Everyone tells me that I should appreciate having one, because someday maybe I’ll want to have kids.

There are so many different ways to make a family, and I really don’t care if my uterus has any part of it.

The dumbass piece of muscle is seriously not worth the pain it causes me on a monthly to bi-monthly basis and I am really just missing the desire to carry “my own.”

If I adopted, those children would be my own. I couldn’t care less if we had matching DNA in our blood.

The more I think about that, the more minuscule it feels like.. why does that matter so much?

I don’t know. I’m just fucking tired of being in pain and flat out agony. I wish I didn’t have one, and I wouldn’t say I wish to be a guy I’m saying I wish I was born without a uterus.. or just in a better body like other people who have light 4 day periods with very minimal cramping. But just not having one sounds even better.

Edit: I talked to my doctor about having it removed due to endo and he was just like “well I think you should think about that for a few years because you are still so young and things might change, let’s first try to help you manage the pain and do things to help prevent it from being so bad.”

Not his exact words but you get the gist. I am 23, I have endometriosis so I might end up getting one eventually

No doctor is going to remove your uterus just because you ask.