D&C aftermath


so i had my D&C on 1/31 all went well. on 2/5 i went to the ER for excruciating pain and constantly throwing up and not being able to keep food down. they found out that i had 1 large clot and 3-4 smaller ones and gave me meds to pass them. i only passed 2 clots that i know of. since then i have had a fever of 99.9 until yesterday and today it’s been 100.1. they gave me two antibiotics that i’ve now finished and i’m still having constant burning, pain, fevers, feeling weak all over and constant cold sweats. i have a OBGYN appointment today thankfully but i’m so damn annoyed that i am still this miserable. i’m hoping we get it figured out because i can’t keep feeling so sick. i followed all my OBs orders after my D&C and still had complications. UGH.