Is it ever ok to tell another mom she’s doing something wrong?

I would never “mom shame” someone for their perfectly valid/safe choices (bottle vs. breast, cosleeping vs. own room, sahm or working mom, etc) but sometimes I see other moms doing something completely wrong or unsafe and I bite my tongue because I fear seeming judgmental and don’t know how or if to say anything. Examples include: car seat sitting on the top of a shopping cart, car seat straps not tight enough, feeding a 3 month old rice cereal, putting a 2 month old in a jumper or exersaucer, posting butt naked pics of their babies, sleeping on the couch with newborns, I could go on. It just makes me cringe to see what people think is ok! Admittedly it’s not my business but I truly do care about the babies’ safety and well being. And I wonder if they simply don’t know the recommendations or if they just don’t care? Anyone else struggle with this?

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