Valentine’s Day


Ok....I am throwing this out there cos I need to rant. I have no doubt I’m going to get tons of negative comments but whatever

Why is Valentine’s Day such a big deal?!? It’s probably the 2nd most commercial day of the year!

It’s all this pressure to buy your SO gifts and stay in a fancy hotel and have flowers delivered to work and where your having dinner 🥘 💐 💎 🎁 €€

All so it can be flaunted all over the internet

I feel like I have read more post on Social media about woman being angry that they didn’t get flowers, dinner and a night out.....?

I feel like it should matter so much more when it is done on a random day and there is no pressure just a gesture to treat your SO, it carries so much more meaning.

Anyway I Needed to get that off my chest.

PS probably haven’t even posted this in the write group 🙄🙈