Testing Out 5000 unit Trigger Shot


I am currently 11 DPT (days post trigger), 10DPIUI (days post <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>) and 9DPO. I’ve not gotten a completely negative HPT but rather several faint positives every 24 hours and now they seem to be getting darker again.

I’m curious how long it has taken others to “test out” of a 5000 unit trigger shot. I’ve read they typically have a half life of around 24 hours meaning by day 8-9 post trigger you should be testing negative if not pregnant.

What experiences have you all had with this, if any? I’m trying to stay calm and not get my hopes up but I’ve taken two digital tests today and both are positive (digital historically have lower sensitivity to hcg and require a greater level to be positive).

I’m planning to retest every 24 hours using FRER and track the change in line color hoping it continues to darken. 🤞🏼 If this <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> worked, we will be pregnant with our rainbow baby after a traumatic loss last June.