So happy! ❤❤


I have always wanted to be a mother. I just knew in my heart I would give it my all & strive to be like my mother. So when I met my fiance three years ago and he told me he had an accident which hurt his genitals and was told by his doctor he most likely wouldn't have kids I was upset. We even discussed if this would work but we loved each other very much from the start so I just put my faith in what is meant to be will happen. We have been engaged since the first year might be a little early. But to the people who know us were not surprised. We have been inseparable since we met. Anyways we tried for awhile and nothing. A couple months ago I began to feel so weird, tired all the time, and my boobs hurt so bad! I called my mother and she said she had been throwing up like a motherly intuition she said you're pregnant! I said no way and of course she knows our situation but kept saying for me to go buy a test. Well she was right!! It came back positive still not believing it I told her I wouldn't believe it until the doctor told me! My fiance and I went in and I am 10 weeks pregnant and so over joyed! Miracles can happen 💕❤ Now I have the love of my life and our family is growing! So is my heart...