Im lost

My ex boyfriend and I got into an argument. He slapped me & I slapped him back. He was pushing me, he dragged me and ripped my shirt. I was just trying to get away and would push him and kick him away but he called the police and said I hit him. The police came and said he had marks on him so they arrested me and charged me with domestic assault. I have no idea how I could have left a scratch mark when I only slapped him back & I have acrylics nails. Idk about y’all but acrylics do not scratch the same as natural finger nails. Anyways. We have a no contact order and since then he has made over 5 fake accounts on Snapchat and Instagram just trying to apologize. I never reply but in one message he’s saying he’s sorry and regrets everything and then says that I didn’t leave the marks (scratch marks) he did it himself because he was scared and didn’t want to be arrested. I’m honestly just in disbelief because I would never think he would do such a thing like that’s just sick!!!! He also told me that he talked to the officer and that she said If I say that he (my ex) messaged me during the no contact order that I will get arrested ???? Like wtf how when he messaged me and I’m not replying??? I’m scared to say anything because they didn’t believe me when I said that I didn’t leave no marks and that he was the one who hit me.

I do not want to see him get in any trouble at all but I also don’t wanna get into some serious trouble. Idk what to do 😫😫