My story


Okay so my story, when I first met Antonio we clicked immediately. Everything came really easily between us. We didn't fight, the sex wasn't bad. He made me feel beautiful and appreciated. But as time went on things began to change, suddenly he began comparing me to his ex. I'm a plus-size girl and his ex was a size 0. he did several things to upset me like he took my belly ring out while I was asleep because he didn't want me to have a belly button piercing. If I upset him he would grab my wrist and twisted almost to the point of breaking it. One night he knew my family was out of town and I was alone, he was supposed to come over and spend a couple nights with me.

He told me that the transmission went out on his car. I was on the computer chatting with some of my friends and someone threw a flower pot at my bedroom window. Turns out it was him. He put a ring on my finger and then accused me of cheating on him with my female friend. He began hitting me after this. He broke up with me on my birthday and begged me to take him back. flat out told me that if I ever moved on that he would kill the person I moved on with.

my mom having gone through her self recognized the signs and begged me to get out. I felt stuck oh, he knew where I worked and where I lived. He spent Christmas with my family and I. On Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>, close to midnight he told me he was going over to his ex-girlfriend's house. I finally saw this as my way out. I told him that if he left, I was done. Well he decided to leave anyway, so I told him it was over. He continued to call me and I wasn't answering his phone calls. On New year's <a href="">Eve</a> 2008, he showed up at my house at 6 am. He asked if we could talk in his car. I agreed and went out there wearing a tank top, pajama pants, and flip flops. thinking I wasn't going to need to go because we are going to obviously be in a car and it wasn't going to take very long. Well he said he ran out of cigarettes and showed me the empty pack. He asked me the best place to go to get cheap cigarettes so I told him where the store was and he asked me if I could show him.

I agreed, when he was supposed to take a left to go to the store he took a right and merged onto the highway. I looked in the console and there was a beer so, I glanced in the back and there was an empty 18 pack of beer and a freshly opened one. I begged him to stop. I even told him I was having an asthma attack and I couldn't breathe. He wouldn't stop, he kept driving and told me that I was cheating on him and every time I told him I wasn't he steered toward other vehicles. So I told him what he wanted to hear. He started drifting toward the guardrail on the highway right near a lake and told me he wanted to crash his car into the lake so that we could be together forever. At this point my mom had woken up because she had a bad feeling. She went out into the living room and asked my sister where I was.

My sister told her we were outside talking in his car and my mom ran outside and at that point we were already gone. she broke down crying telling my sister that there was something wrong and I wasn't okay. They called the police, the police started calling him trying to get a hold of him and he wouldn't answer. He answered when my mom called but he put as hand over my mouth and told her I was asleep. He told her after he was done there wouldn't be an Amanda anymore. My mom told him they called the police.

We had been driving for almost 2 hours and I told him I had to pee and got him to stop at a 7-Eleven. He figured it out really quickly that I was going to try to ask for help. he put a knife up to my throat and told me that if I tried to ask for help he would kill me. I went in and asked to use the bathroom but they don't have public restrooms. I had no choice but to get back into the car with him. I begged him to stop somewhere so I could pee, we finally stopped at a rest stop 150 miles south of where I lived.

He told me that he was going to bring me home. I got out and went to the bathroom. When I came out he told me that he was leaving me there. I stood there in the cold December air, no coat in flip flops and a tank top and waited for him to pull away. When I couldn't see his car anymore, I used the payphone and called my mom and told her where I was. I called the police and told them where I was. While I was on the phone with the police, he pulled back around. He came up to me and hung the phone up. My heart just sank, he tried pulling me back into his car and I began screaming.

A man came to my aid and he drove off. The man sat with me until the police arrived. The police escorted me to the county in-between the one I lived in and the one I was currently in. There, a police officer met him and brought me to a fire station. While she was driving to the fire station she called my mom and told her that they had me and I was safe.

At the fire station, they took my statement and pictures. The officer told me he told dispatch that he and his ex were planning to kill me and that they were going to get rid of my body in a way that no one would be able to identify me. She brought me home where my mom was waiting outside for me. My mom ran to me the moment I stepped out of the police car and held me.

My mom and I worked at the same place so she convinced me to go-to work so that I had a distraction. While we were waiting for our ride home after work, we were standing outside the building and I saw a car parked catty corner behind another building. I started getting a really bad feeling and told her we needed to go inside. As we got inside, the car whipped out from around the building and it was him.

It went silent for about a week. He didn't try to call or text. I went into work late because I was feeling under the weather. I went to the doctor and I found out I was pregnant. I was terrified but wanted to keep my baby. He would show up occasionally and I called the police and they never arrived on time to catch him. At this point, I was assigned a detective. I worked with my local DVSAS group to get a restraining order.

One night we came home from work, I was 20 weeks pregnant at the time and the door was unlocked. We called the police and they said there were no signs of forced entry. They asked us to look around to see if anything was missing. My ultrasounds were missing. All of them from week 7 to 20. Later that night, I was laying on the couch because my back hurt from the bed. He showed up with his ex and they started trying to open one of our windows. I called the police but once again he slipped away.

At this point DVSAS got in touch with a women's advocacy group and they put my mom and I in a hotel. my sister and her husband at the time, helped us move out. We moved 4 hours south. It was May at the time. My sister and her husband at the time had been trying to get pregnant without success. I looked at her and told her to adopt my son. I knew that he would never be safe with me. I got a call from the detective saying they finally caught him. That he was going to jail for unlawful imprisonment. He was out 10 months later.

It's now been 10 years since my son was born and 11 years since he kidnapped me. He hasn't tried to contact me since he has been out.