How many gerbers a day?

I’ve been feeding my 6 months old 3 times a day. He finishes the whole gerber each is 4oz, am I over feeding him? How many do you guys feed a day.

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As long as he/she still drink the same amount of milk as that is till the main source of nutrition then it is fine.


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I do 3 times but they are 2 oz each. As long as he isn’t pushing it away or acting like he doesn’t want it I’m sure it’s fine. Every baby will eat differently


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My little one will be 6months Thursday and I started feeding him once he was 4.5 months old first was 2oz once a day. At 5.5 months he went up to about 4oz still once a day which I’ll feed during lunch time. Just last night I started giving him about 1.5 35/40min before bedtime to help with sleep which worked 🙌🏼.


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We usually offer about 4oz ( 2-3 different things ) at each meal , and let him eat what he wants. Sometimes he only eats half , sometimes he eats it all and wants a little more . Sometimes he doesn’t want solids at all . But he still takes his 6oz bottles every 3.5 hours like clockwork so I figure he’s doing okay. He’s 19lbs.


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I give my four month old at least four ounces of oatmeal in the am four ounces of jar food with oatmeal in it. (She doesn’t like runny food) then more of that at dinner with her breastfeeding in between. When I make the oatmeal I use breastmilk not water. Her pediatrician totally approved.


Julie Lucas 🌈🌈 🌈🌈 • Feb 19, 2020
You’re not dumb lol


k • Feb 19, 2020
Wow she’s six months old not four. I’m dumb


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