Leaving after maternity leave.


Currently 28w5D. I’ve been out of work for the past 11 days(give or take, my brain doesn’t exist anymore😂) for SPD, PGP and anxiety. SPD/PGP is the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. Even resting, not moving at all, making myself walk to try and work through it, trying coping methods- I’m still in an insane amount of pain. I go back to my doctors today to basically see if I can go back to work, and the way I’m feeling I honestly doubt they’re going to send me back. I can’t even get out of bed most days from the pain, and when I do my anxiety absolutely destroys me.

I honestly have talked it over with my husband and I plan on not going back after I have my son. It’s just makes way more sense for me to stay home with the baby, because essentially I would be paying just for childcare anyways. I literally ran the numbers and at the end of the month, based on day care rates around me, I’d have $22 left 😒

In my company I get 6 weeks of paid leave and then two weeks of unpaid. I guess my question is, because the last two weeks are unpaid- would they make me pay the 6 weeks back?

Note- I DO NOT have insurance through them. I have my own insurance. So I wouldn’t have to worry about the premiums or anything.