Idk how to ask this with confusing some


Okay so I'm 5 months pp. Not trying at all for a baby but it happens. My husband thought it was a great idea to pull out cum and go back in on my highest fertile day according to glow. Period is due in 4 days and I've been having a pinching feeling in my scar on and off ALL DAY. Normally I only get like a pull feeling one or two times a week if at all. But today it's been all day. I've had a very light pink spot today as well. I've been like clockwork since I had my daughter 4 weeks after I had her my bleeding stopped and 4 days later it started and it's been constant since then glow has been accurate on start dates. Anyway.... I took a test this morning and it was negative BUT this morning after I got to work is when everything started. And it's continued until now when I'm just sitting in bed holding my daughter as she sleeps.. anyone else have this and end up pregnant? Whatever happens,happens. But just curious what your cues were if you had them that you were pregnant before missing a period or taking a test after your first c section.