Terrible daycare accident, what would you do?
Before I begin, let me make it clear that this post may be long, and have graphic photos, so please advise if you have a sensitive stomach.
I have 2 beautiful babies who are my world, and another due this August. As many of you moms know, being a stay at home mom isn’t always possible, two income households are now the norm. Since my son (now 5) was 9 months old they have been attending a local KinderCare close to my work, I’ve searched far and near for the perfect babysitter to spend the days with my babies, and <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> them to the best of my financial abilities. Let me tell you, I’ve been fooled. I for the first time faced one of the most terrifying things I have ever experienced with my children.
About 2 weeks ago I picked up my daughter from daycare, a seemingly normal day. My daughter enjoys her teachers and classmates. She’s done well since starting at 12 weeks of age. I noticed a small bruise above her eye, and immediately asked for a report. My first question, what happened? I was shocked to see that every teachers eyes bounced to each other as they all replied “We thought she came like that.” She looked exhausted, but I didn’t question any further. I was upset, but needless to say, I packed up and insisted that by drop off the next morning I needed a report, I needed to know what happened, and what measures were taken to care for her post fall. I grabbed my son from the school age room and we were on our way...
Now this is where things get ugly.
I get home, (we live 10 min from the daycare facility) I undress my daughter and hand her to my husband. She’s had a pacifier in her mouth since the moment I picked her up. My husband gives her a kiss and her pacifier falls out, he was horrified, he yelled for me into the bedroom, that there was an emergency, that the baby’s lip looked like it had been hanging over her teeth. I was horrified when I lifted her lip.

Immediately I called the daycare, I demanded answers. I was sick to my stomach, I was furious. The acting director claimed - “the teachers are gone for the day, we will ask tomorrow”. I LOST MY MIND. I demanded that she calls all the teachers, that my daughter had serious injuries, a deep laceration to her mouth and I needed to know what the hell happened to my baby.
Immediately after this call, we rushed to the hospital, I was so afraid for her. She was so happy I didn’t understand how she wasn’t in pain, she couldn’t even drink from her bottle. Upon arrival, we explained to the doctors the situation- we explained the timeline of events, we explained we had no answers. We were both in tears. We were confused as to why my daughter didn’t have any blood on her. During the wait at the hospital, we were called by the daycare who claimed they need to further investigate but no one saw our baby girl fall, bleed, bruise, and that she didn’t cry.
This is when I knew they were lying, I insisted that I’d be there in the morning and I better have answers, no excuses. At this point my first priority was the baby.
Her doctor concluded, she would have been leaking heavily from the mouth, this was not an unnoticed wound. She then proceeded to inform us of the concern of a facial/head injury that was not monitored. She was allowed to nap, she was not watched for concussion or facial swelling. I cannot explain to you the horror I felt hearing all of this. The doctor insisted that this was neglectful on the part of the daycare, this was seen and addressed by somebody. At this time, we noticed the footie pajamas that my daughter wore had blood on the feet. Which means she walked through her own blood. Again, further proof this was not an unnoticed injury. The doctors also concluded that this most likely was a fall, but the result was the daycare being completely neglectful and not watching her. Something that could have been an accidental fall, followed by a report and call to the parents turned into a full blown cover up.
Someone cleaned her up, someone knows what happened.
Let me also add, I understand toddlers fall, they are clumsy, and ACCIDENTS HAPPEN, and although I wouldn’t have been happy had I been called that there was an accident, and taken her to get immediate care this would not be this big. My baby went a whole day without any medical attention, it is utterly sickening.
Ladies, my daughter was lucky to be able to make it without stitches. Just millimeters away, but we were able to make it without serious head or facial injury and no stitches. We’ve since seen a facial specialist for facial swelling and her wounds are healing nicely, she won’t have any long term scarring.
Now let’s move on to the aftermath...the next morning, I arrived at the daycare (note: my kids were pulled immediately after this incident) I was eager for some answers, to my surprise, they told me again - No one saw anything. (This daycare has no cameras.) We will pay your medical bills, I am sorry, I would be pissed if it was my child, I just can’t get anyone to fess the truth. That was all I could get.
After this, I immediately rushed to the police station, I filed a report, we had to put our daughter through pain pulling her lip so they could photograph her, and scare her with all these unfamiliar people all around her. I hated it. The next day I get a call from DCFS asking if they could meet us at her follow up appointment, they were sent by the police. We met her at the doctors office to which our doctor proceeded to let her know we brought her in hours after the injury, that it was fresh, that this was neglect and that she hoped these people were found and severely punished, and removed from caring for young children. She was shocked herself at the injuries and story and agreed that this was not an injury that is just missed, she had to be screaming. She concluded that she and a detective would begin interviewing the entire staff and we’d be notified if they found anything. In the meantime, the daycare still has no paperwork for me, and has called asking if they will be seeing the kids. They have called to tell me “We did weekend re training for all the teachers”, and “since no one fessed up 2 teachers have been put on administrative leave”.
Let me tell you why this infuriated me:
1. You think “re-training” teachers who are supposed to be trained and certified is going to make me feel secure to send my baby back? You think that I feel comfortable putting her in a classroom with teachers who haven’t confessed? Never. I wish I could walk in and warn all the parents. This is still a cover up.
2. You put “2” teachers on leave, but no one confessed. Why 2? Why not all the teachers who were with her that day? They have got to know something. Someone knows what happened.
This brings me to conclude, at this time we are still waiting. I have found a new school for my kids and it has been a hard transition for them both, I don’t trust anyone. Not to mention, they are not adjusting well to the change. They have been at this daycare for a long time. It hurts my heart to see them struggle, and I know they will adjust. So far the investigation isn’t getting anywhere, DCFS claimed out of the few interviews they have had, no one will confess an it will be hard to prove guilt without video. My fear is for the other children, the other babies who could have an accident and be ignored and in pain, the neglectful response to injury is horrifying. I still can’t stomach the lack of comfort she received during this time, I panicked at small falls where she cries, and this case is totally different.
In regards to my baby, she’s doing very well. We have an almost full recovery, and she’s her happy self. Picture below.

Ladies, if you can please offer support and help in this situation. If you know what other things I can do to make sure this facility is punished I’d really appreciate it. I’m not sure what to do, and in my heart I know I can’t walk away knowing there are children in the care of others not capable of doing what’s right.
If you ladies have made it to the end of this post, I appreciate it, I appreciate you ladies listening as this has been a long and tiring two weeks. I’m just losing hope of any answers or actions, and hoping to hear some advice and encouragement from some of you. I will keep updates as and If I get them.
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