I need advice...toxic relationship


My marriage is growing more and more toxic by the day. We’ve been together 4 years, married al most 2 years this August. My husband has become extremely verbally abusive, controlling and has severe anger issues. He had anger issues before we were married...why get married right?

He calls me names constantly, and says if I didn’t do the things I’m doing he wouldn’t have to talk to me like that. He does it to my step daughter too. Things have gotten worse...earlier this months had a huge fight. I went into our bedroom with my baby, and locked the door. Me and baby we’re crying, he broke our bedroom door in half because he could hear baby crying and said there was no need for me to be crying...even though he had literally just called me a stupid lieing bitch...he took my daughter from me, and I lost it. I hit him multiple times. I went and got counseling after that.

Last night he crossed a line. I left our daughter with him while I ran out to pick up dinner. I cone home, I get out of the car, and I can hear my 2 month old screaming, not just crying screaming like I’ve never heard before. I ran to my apartment, and my husband is towering over my baby changing her diaper telling her to “shut up! Stop it! Shut up aria!” I asked him what was wrong, what the hell happened... HE FLICKED HER ON THE MOUTH BECAUSE SHE WOUKDNT STOP CRYING! She’s two months. I tried to take her from him, and told him never to do that again. He wouldn’t let me take her, he told me to shut the fuck up, and made like he was going to kick me. I finally got her, and didn’t let him hold her the rest of the night. Which breaks my heart, because she loves her daddy...but no father in the house is better than an abusive one right?

If he consents to anger management counseling do I stay? How do I start a divorce process? We live on Oahu, If we get divorced I want to move to the mainland, how can I convince a judge to let me leave the state with my baby?