Nursing strike or weaning?

Diana • Boy Mama🥰💙

The last three weeks my 7.5 month old has only been nursing for about 3 min, if I switch sides he’ll go maybe 5 and then refuses to eat more. I was thinking maybe he’s just weaning himself but was looking online and people say he’s too young to self wean? But I have also read that a nursing strike is completely refusing the boob which he’s not, he’ll happily latch and eat but after 3 minutes he’s done and will sometimes relatch but not for long. For the most part he’ll only eat for 3 minutes, occasionally 4-5, and very rarely 6-7 minutes... I know my supply is suffering as I’ve tried pumping and I get only 1-1.5 oz when I used to get about 3-4.

I’m really not sure what to do, I’ve tried just making him stay and keep eating but he fears back and starts crying cause he doesn’t want more, I’ve switched sides and that barely helps, I’ve kept him off solids thinking that’s help but nothing... he was popping tooth out the first week it started so I figured it was that but now he’s just not eating....

Any advice or tips would be appreciated! Thank you!