My c-section made me hate my fiancé

My beautiful baby boy was born February 28 via c section. I love him so much but my relationship with my fiancé has changed so much. We went from being super in love and understanding of sharing parenting roles when thinking of caring for our baby boy to right after he was born our relationship is suffering already.

Being my first c section, I didn’t know how truly painful and limited mobility you had. I was honestly riding that pain killer high the first day of recovery and now I’m dreading the physical act of getting out of bed everyday now. It’s so painful.

To make matters worse my fiancé is adjusting to sleep feedings absolutely horribly. He will not wake up for the life of him when our baby cries. I will be stuck in a painful position in bed yelling and throwing things at him and he still won’t wake up. I have to force myself which I know is bad for my staples and physically shake him awake which at this point I’ve resorted to just taking full care of the baby because of his heavy sleeping.

I will get ZERO sleep all night taking care of the baby and he will wake up and still complain that he does everything for the baby minus the night feedings. I literally have to remind him I had a c section and it hurts so much to move that by the time morning rolls around I spent a whole night struggling by myself.

I’ve gotten to a point where I just don’t sleep round clock because I’m scared my fiancé while never hear the baby cry if I sleep.

I’m honestly learning to hate my fiancé and I can’t believe just a few days ago I was so in love with him. I feel SO ALONE!

When I bring it up to him he guilt trips me about being scared I’m gonna leave him over this and that he’s failing as a dad.

Idk. I’m hoping this is just a very bad phase that most new parents go through.