Prayer please

Brittany • 💕⚓️animal & baby lover, down to earth, blessed, & living life day by day! ⚓️💕

I’m asking for prayer warriors to bind with me today & help me. Jared is a newly recovering alcoholic that had stopped drinking based solely off of prayer & God. He had been almost 2 months without any alcohol & the withdrawals & moodiness had finally finally subsided. He left for a business kick off meeting yesterday & will be gone until tomorrow afternoon; this meeting has an open bar at the hotel. Yesterday afternoon I was very burdened & felt he was being tempted. Last night before bed he messaged saying he was being attacked for me to please pray. I feel like he gave in already & my heart is truly broken & very heavy burdened. I have cried all night & this morning & have to go into work. I really need your help brothers & sisters in Christ! 🙏🏼✝️