my dad thinks it’s a bad idea

When i was 18 and pregnant with my first , me and my sister in law threw myself a baby shower (she did the whole thing, i just made the facebook group and added my friends as she didn’t know them) and no one showed up. we wasted hundreds of dollars and i was so beyond upset.

I am now 24. pregnant with my second and my sister in law wants to throw me a small baby shower with a few friends we both mutually know. i told her i was unsure and she told me to post on facebook to see how many people would actually be interested. One girl commented that i shouldn’t have one if i’m only looking for gifts or handouts. i felt kinda hurt as i have bought 85% of everything by myself. and wasn’t expecting anything besides maybe diapers or wipes.

my dad told me i shouldn’t bother having one because i’ll just be disappointed again and he doesn’t want to see me upset or that people will show up just for the food and not bring anything.

i’m kinda on the fence ..