Is this PDD? :(

Fritzie Mari

I just started working again after 3months of fully taking care of my first daughter.. Unfortunately, I need to leave my baby with my husband's family coz I work in another island and I can only go home to my family only during Saturdays and Sundays..

After a month of missing my baby, only videocalling during weekdays, I can't help but feel very envious seeing my MiL and FiL holding my daughter.. I get mad thinking that all the love of my daughter will be going to them. I hate seeing my daughter turning her head towards their voice even when I am carrying her. I erase all pictures that my husband sends me with them in it. She is with them 5 days of the week while I am only with her for only 2 days.

Whenever me and my husband are talking to each other about the baby, whenever he talks about how their life everyday is with the baby, how different the baby is now with them, I get irritated imeediately. And then I cry in the end.

I want to take my baby away. I want to take care of my baby again. But Im the only one who have a permanent job between my husband.. :(