Am I overreacting or is he inconsiderate ?(story time)

Please let me know if I’m just overreacting to this stuff because I’m just really in my feelings right now.

So me and my bf are in a long distance relationship. So Valentine’s Day was approaching and I was going to actually go see some cousin in Atlanta that I didn’t get to see on Thanksgiving . But my bf asked me to come down to New Orleans from Nashville to see him. So I went to him and was gonna just see family in the summer when I had more time.

So I get to New Orleans on a Thursday night and we go out with his friends. Friday was Valentine’s Day so we got up and ate and I did some homework so we could do something fun. I begged him to not make us go to one of his friend’s bday party that night but he still made me go and I was honestly upset but went cause he wanted to. We ended up arguing because he called this other girl “mama”. 1 a name he calls me 2 a name I told him not to use on other girls. New Orleans slang is diff from my Memphis slang. They say baby and mama to anyone and I hate it.

Anyway. Valentine’s was ruined cause we spent it with his damn friends. He told me he’d make it up for my birthday

So now my birthday weekend is approaching and I originally was going to see my family in Philadelphia but I didn’t want to get on a plane since the corona virus made its debut 😭. Anyway I tell him I’m coming on my bday weekend and he’s like cool I’m gonna make it up to you from vday.Now he’s begging me to let him go to Chicago with his friends that do music. They have a concert to perform in.

Am I wrong for saying no and being mad? Like dude we are in a long distance relationship with each other and this will be the second time your friends got the attention on important days!!! But he loves making music and I never wanna come in between. He said he’d make it up the next weekend but like no that’s getting repetitive 🙄

We argued so bad and I ended up being mean saying I’ll find someone who won’t keep putting me second and he’s pissed. Am I wronggggg?