Is this for real?


When I was younger, I lived with my dad for a bit when my mom was going through some cps stuff. I had 3 siblings in and out of foster care during that time. We all ended up getting to go back to my mom's, but she got us taken away again a few years later, and my sister and I got put in the same foster home. She was 6, i was 16. That is when my sister told me my brother (11) performed sexual acts on her and penetrated her. I dont know how long it went on bc i wasnt with them most of the time when i was with my dad. But bc my sister was 6, i knew she couldn't be making it up. She had no idea what she was even telling me, she didn't know it was wrong. I immediately called my counselor and told her. Fast forward to when i was 20, my mom gave birth to my youngest sister. My mom and her dad have been dealing with parenting and court issues her entire life (shes 13 now). It was originally court ordered that my brother was not to be around my youngest sister. Now for the past 3/4 years, my mom has been letting my brother live with her bc he's a lazy homeless fuck who spends any money he gets on drugs and junk food, and my mom loves drugs and junk food and well, anything free for that matter. So the problem is that since my brother is now 28, the judge said that because he was young when he did those things to my other sister, he should be safe to be around now bc he's an adult, and as a child he didn't know right from wrong. Basically saying since he's an adult he has a different mindset. And it scares me bc he still messes around with teenage girls. He doesn't care if they're under 18. So do u think he really could be different from 11 till now? I think the judge is nuts for even thinking it.

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