Uterine prolapse

I looked down there @ 4 weeks pp. The vagina opening was still pretty wide, and it looked like bulges of tissue inside the opening. I thought maybe I had just looked too soon 😬

Currently 6 weeks pp, and it looks the same. Still tissue right inside the opening.

My anxiety has led me to Google, which has made my anxiety worse because I've self-diagnosed myself with uterine prolapse.

It's not bulging out of my vagina. I just see it when I spread my legs.

I have my pp follow up tomorrow, so I'll ask then, but just curious what your thoughts are.

Am I crazy? Is Google right? Is it too soon to look? Is this an easy fix?

I want one more baby 💖

Update: doc said I'm fine. All is healing just as normal as can be. 😁

Also said they have to hide their hand sanitizer because people are stealing it due to coronavirus 🤷🏼‍♀️.