Half circumcised?


Ok. TMI post here. So read at your own risk.

My husband who I've been with for 10 years has (what I call) a half circumcision. If he's limp, it looks like he's uncircumcised but when he's hard, it's like half of his head is out and the other is covered. I dont have a problem with it other than I swear to god when I go down on him or we just decide to have sex, I either get hair in my mouth...because its inside his skin OR I wind up wiping later on or the next day and hair, lint and who knows what else ends up on the TP. So GROSS. He showers and I've said something to him about it, and he seems to do ok...idk if its from him drying off or his underwear or what. He never stinks or anything. And I really think it would kill the mood to have me pull shit back and "inspect" if you will before we got busy. Any suggestions? I've never had a yeast infection or anything from it, I just get the yuck feeling when I see a knot ball of hair that came out of me or feel a hair in my mouth. It happens but it's way too often. Lol