Reading the Bible


Hello, so I am a Christian but I’ve moved farther in my faith because I wanted to. One thing I struggled with was reading the Bible. It’s not because I didn’t want to! Simply I just don’t know where to start... most people say to start in the beginning but I find that to be very daunting and I don’t want things to go over my head. I’m still growing in my faith and I truly want to become stronger. But the issue is that I feel I have a relationship with Him but I don’t have the background knowledge of the Bible and I feel like that an issue.

My boyfriend says he reads his Bible regularly and prays regularly. I pray but don’t read the Bible as much as I’d like. This doesn’t necessarily have to do with relationships, but I do feel it could strengthen my almost 2.5 year relationship if I take the steps to strengthening my personal faith!! Any tips? Thanks.