Just want to vent thats it ...


It feels like my mom doesn't like talking to me. Every time I text her she hardly replies, I let her know how my son is doing or i ask how has she been lately and most the time I get left on read. Although for my sister and brother's baby she's more in their lives which I don't mind. Its the fact that she answers other people fast but not me. She's on her phone all the time and I tell her to get off of it when she comes visit because why are you just going to come to my house and be on your phone the whole time. Lately she hasn't seen me in a couple months and she always makes excuses to see me but she can drive 3 hours to visit her mother in law. Well anyways, it makes me kinda sad tbh... She even answers my sister in law so quick bcuz we always txt and she tells me my mom replied to her and im like wow okay. So now i'm like whatever then I won't text her🤷🏻‍♀️. I was in foster care since I was 12 i'm now 19. So we weren't able to have phone calls or see each other most the time. i'd like to spend some time with her but I guess not. Anyways just wanted to get it out 🙄, I wouldn't be like that towards my son. To each their own I guess...