UPDATE- husband got drunk instead of coming home

So this morning my husband was late coming home and his excuse was that he got relieved late. I had a bad feeling and was suspicious of this, so I kept pestering him about it. He works night shifts 10-6AM. He got home 2 hours late and this is weird because he always comes straight home and when he gets relieved late, he calls from the work phone to tell me he’s still waiting and he didn’t this morning. He finally told me the truth and said he gave his friend a ride home.. I said okay then... why didn’t you turn your phone back on when you got in the car and text me this? He has given his coworkers rides before and always turns his phone on and tells me he will be running late and we have each other’s location as well(for emergencies.. I share with my parents as well). Anyways... I kept saying he was lying and to tell me the truth so he finally admits that he got drunk with his friends instead of coming home. I don’t want to be with someone that would lie to me and choose to drink over coming home to his family... at 6AM! While I’m home with our two sick kids. One two month old and one 3.5 year old. Who knows how long he’d try to keep this from me.

Am I overreacting ???


Edit : yes he went to a friends and yes he drove drunk

Second edit: I had him call his friend to prove he was there but instead of listening to me and letting me talk and ask him myself he planted the idea in his friends head that they were drinking together and the guy said it was him and his two other male friends. Their messages had been deleted also... but I guess he could be cheating also.

Update: his friend luckily had a video on Snapchat up of all them drinking. There were 10 bottles next to him alone!!! How does he drink that many bottles and then come home in that amount of time?!? How fucking reckless! Great, he’s not cheating but how is this any better?!?! I’m absolutely disgusted and have no idea who the person is that I’m with anymore.