I can’t stand my boyfriends mom/ MIL. 👺

Long post, but worth it. ❤️👺🤬👿

‼️Okay, before I start, I understand different races have different traditions, things that are normal to them, and things they’re used to within that family etc ... I’m not trying to offend anyone by mentioning things that you guys may do or family members do. ‼️

It all started when me & my boyfriend began dating 4 years ago, I knew he was sort of a mommy’s boy, always listening to her opinion on things, letting her buy all his clothes & pick what clothes to buy, etc. 🤷🏻‍♀️

It was fine with me, although I was not used to someone who is that close & everything with their mom.... Anyways. 😀 Let me give you all a little more details about his mom, she’s in her late 40’s, does long acrylic nails every Friday, dyes & cuts her hair every Saturday, puts in different weaves & dye colors. Dresses young like 20’s & let’s her daughter (the younger sister of my bf) wear whatever she wants, mind you she cannot read.. (not because she can’t, but because no one helps her, or puts effort to teach her. That’s not my job or my bf’s) (she’s 13)

🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😕😕 From the beginning it’s always felt a little off, women’s intuition I guess ? That the feelings between us are mutual, we don’t get along too well. She doesn’t speak any English, and I don’t speak any Spanish (although I try to, for family sake) she’s always seemed a little ‘jealous’ I guess of me & her son’s relationship. For example, one time me & my bf were kissing at a beach, with his family, (little pecks) & she asked why he doesn’t do that to her.. (serious voice)

Fast forward a few years, there’s been occasions on holidays 🎄 🎅🏻 where she forces him to pose for photos, in a prom like fashion (him behind her, hands in front of her waist)

Her getting him to dance with her, hands on her hips. (Which idc, do your thing)

Anyways now I’m pregnant,🤰🏻 and things are still weird.. although it’s nice of her to want to do a gender reveal and all of that.. I don’t think I want one.

She’s asked him for money knowing we have a baby on the way.. ?

Last weekend, we were all at a family event birthday party, and she’s touching my stomach saying how this baby is hers, because my boyfriend is hers.. I quote, (in Spanish but I understood perfectly, her saying this looking me in the eyes, close to me)

“ (my boyfriends name) is mine so that baby is mine, not yours, mine. That baby is mine, (her nodding) not yours. Mine”

She said it a few times, repeating herself.

NOW, mind you.. she may or may not have had a few to drink, Idk.. but she wasn’t laughing nor anything, and I think us women all agree we can have feelings towards someone that our gut makes us feel..

She’s also said before (mind you she posts on Instagram every day, twice a day) that I’m “into myself” because I was checking my makeup in the car mirror..

My boyfriend wants us to move with her, into their house with the dad & sister.. since we currently are living at my house. I don’t want to nor do I think it’s a good idea. My boyfriend works full time and I don’t think being there all the time will end up being something good.. I can see her cutting the babies hair, or piercing the babies ears & not thinking it’s a big idea.. anyways, what’s your thoughts?

I haven’t mentioned a lot of my feelings towards my boyfriend because I understand at the end of the day that’s his mother, and I can’t take them away from each other so I don’t want to come off rude to him.. and I try to like her, I do.. I just sense a feeling of her being the one to not like me, not to mention she lied for him in the past when my bf lied to me and she also covered it up.

What’s your thoughts ?

Have you lived with a MIL? What was it like?