What do i do

I suffer from panic disorder like severe agorafobia i fight it but its hard i can only go to like my boyfriends house i cant go to the mall w out panic attacks or anywere basically but when i need to i force myself , i was taking zoloft& klonopin .5mg so a baby dose its the smallest dose & it helped alot the klonopin zoloft idk i suffer more from panic attacks& physical symptoms so what really helps is the klonopin, i recently took a pregnancy test & came out positive my appointment with obgyn was today but due to the virus ! It was canceled they wont be attending till next month due to the corona virus , i have stopped my medication & im a mess especially w this virus my panic disorder was at a 8 of bad but its at its top 10 & i cant speak to my doctor because there closed only emergency rooms are open & i dont know what to do i feel like i cant function withought my pills but i dont want to hurt my baby with them so im just suffering