
My husband is an at home teacher (due to corona), and since he only works about 2 hours/day and I'm working my full shifts from home we decided that he would be our childcare as well during my working hours, which are flexible but must be 8hr/day.

Since we have been home, he has been getting up with the baby in the mornings and I get up for work about 30 minutes later (baby wakes up between 6 and 630). He takes care of our son until 930 when I take a break and watch the baby so he can work for 1-2 hours. I then go back to work until my shift is over. After I'm done working I become the 'primary' on the baby until bath time around 630.

Our son is a restless sleeper and is up 2-3 times a night still. We have been trying to take turns putting him back down, but the last couple nights have been a struggle because we are both exhausted.

My husband HATES waking up in the morning with the baby. This morning he was slamming things, throwing things, saying 'I'm not f***ing waking up with him at 6 again' and calling our son a piece of s***. But on weekends I've been waking up with our son and my husband doesnt go back to sleep. He says it's because once hes up hes up and since our son wakes us both up in the mornings then he just cant go back to sleep.

I want to alleviate some of this and let my husband sleep better but I dont know how. Would it be more beneficial to take our son for an hour in the mornings so my husband doesnt have to get out of bed? Or maybe our son and I sleep in a different room? I dont know what to do but I dont want our son to wake up every morning to see his dad throwing a fit about waking up.

Is there a creative way to move my schedule around to help my husband out?


We have talked, his response is 'I need more than 5 hours of sleep per night and I'm not getting that with the baby waking up every few hours'. Which is true, but hes a light sleeper. Even when I wake up with the baby he wakes up too. Hes clearly overwhelmed but hes not letting me help him. I think I'm going to banish him to our guest room tonight so he doesnt wake up.

Also, he does get breaks. He works out at his brothers house almost every day, and hes on his phone almost the entire time I'm the primary for the baby, usually from 2PM-630pm.

The baby has been napping pretty consistently from 8-9 and 12-130 as well.