Waiting till marriage has me frustrated

My boyfriend and I have been together for two years and two months. We love each other so much and there is nothing that can separate us. Him and I have already had sex plenty of times but I didn’t have God in my life. I recently gave my life to God and our savior Jesus and I was reading about how God made sex for marriage. So I talked to my boyfriend that I wanted to repent and stop having sex until we get married and he totally supported me. We had sex once since I said that I felt guilty afterwards and I spoke to my boyfriend that I felt tempted and I gave in. So a few days passed and it’s been good I’ve had sexual thoughts and I ask God to forgive me and to help me get rid of those thoughts. But I can’t lie I miss my boyfriends touch and the connection that the both of us have during sex and I feel guilty because I want it I’m fighting so hard to fight my temptations and feelings but I can’t lie ladies its so hard I need help. I miss his touch but I want to do what is right. Any advice? 😩