
Malissa • Mommy to Madison Jade & Cameron James ♥️ My children are my world 🌎

Does anyone know about visitations orders??

Long story short, my kids live with me. I basically have them all the time while their dad just chills at home. He doesn't like to work and has a terrible time holding a job. He is on child support (not court ordered)but because I get help from the county and actually owes over 5 grand.

He takes them once a month- if that and only for a few hours. I am tired. I love my kids to death but he needs to take them too. I'm trying to see about establishing a court order for this. Is this possible ? I can definitely split my time with them and do my part as a mother. My biggest concern is that if court and law get involved he won't show up. I California by the way.

I'm new to all of this so any advice would help me. Thank you all in advance and hope you're staying safe and healthy at home. 👍🏻💜