I’m unloveable and unwanted

I’m writing this holding back tears because I feel so defeated. I’m so ashamed of how my life has turned out. I’ll be turning 23 this year with nothing to show for it. I only have one person I could actually call my friend, I mostly just have acquaintances that I barely speak to. I’ve had numerous failed relationship. No one wants to be with me. I’m not seen worthy enough in anyone’s eyes. I’m always the second choice. Something is wrong with me but I don’t know how to fix it, I don’t know how to make people want to stay.

I just feel like Im better off dead most of the time. I’m just taking space up at this point and I’m always depressed. I’ve done counseling for 5 years and it has only helped slightly . Ive been raped and sexually assaulted and no one wants me. I just hate myself so much

Just needed to vent I’m not looking for sympathy, I just don’t have anyone to talk to about how I feel.