Are you still letting your child go between houses during this? (For people with custody arrangements)

Just wanted to see what people were doing in this situation. We’ve really struggled. We have full custody of my step kids, they see their mom every other weekend. Their mom is still working and going on, whereas we’ve been social distancing and working from home for 3 1/2 weeks. They skipped this weekend that was supposed to be hers. She never argued but was irritated. The kids are above 12 so they can choose where they go, they chose to stay here. We have a shelter in place order until April 30th, I have no idea what to do when their moms next weekend comes up in 2 weeks. We don’t feel comfortable with them going but legally can’t hold them back. Everyone is freaking out about kids seeing their grandparents or other family members, but what about the other parent? She also lives with her mom and goes back and forth between that house and her boyfriends house still.

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