Feeling Bad I Don’t Have the Energy for Toddler


I’m 36 weeks pregnant, and I feel so bad because I feel like my 2.5 son’s world is just going crazy around him: new sibling coming soon, potty training, and no longer in half-day preschool.

He constantly wants to play (he LOVES any highly active activity) or cuddle, and I’m just SO exhausted right now! Add to the fact that I have to take it easy because I don’t want Baby #2 to come early.

He’s currently playing by himself with some homemade “sand” (which is a shock because he doesn’t do well with independent play), but I’m just over here having Braxton Hicks contractions and feeling bad that I can’t give my son the attention he wants.

Anyone else in the same boat or been here before? I’ll graciously take all of the tips!