Baby Mama Drama

I have a daughter who is 3 years old. I met her dad when I was 18. we got pregnant roughly 3 months into the relationship. he changed almost

overnight. Constantly calling me a whore and a slut. When we first got together he made me delete social media and even people out of my life. When i gave birth he left me in the hospital alone to play video games. he quit his job and didn’t tell me. i had to go to work when she was 6mo old cause he refused to work again. he worked off and on just enough to get a paycheck and quit. he became more verbally abusive and controlling as time went on. closing my bank accounts, shutting off my phone, and throwing such big tantrums that I was unable to see my own mother. if i tried to leave he’d harass me the whole time i was out. it kept getting worse and worse and i did get scared he would begin physical abuse. he never hesitated to call me names and scream at me infront of our daughter. we finally broke up around a year and a half ago and i moved out. since being single i took some time to do me and meet new people on my days when he had her. he says i’m a whore and an awful mother but i’m really not. i’ve made the choice to take him to court because he won’t stop talking to me how he did when we were together. I’m worried how he’s going to react. he’s threatened me and significant others with bodily harm more than once. i’m really hoping i’m making the right choice because i don’t want to hurt my daughter with this but i just don’t feel like he’s stable enough to take care of her 🤦🏽‍♀️