Double uterus and two miscarriages


I’m new to posting here, so forgive me if this isn’t the right group to ask this question, and my heart goes out to everyone else in this group who’s gone through this loss 💕

My husband and I have been trying for a baby. Back in September, I found out I was pregnant super early at about three weeks, then ended up losing the pregnancy at about four and a half weeks.

Flash forward to April 2nd, I found out I was pregnant again, right at about four weeks. I ended up already miscarrying again last Tuesday.

The kicker is I was diagnosed with uterus didelphys at 17, which means I have two uterus and two cervix, and I have no idea how this affects my fertility. I have heard stories of women with this condition having successful pregnancies. And I’ve also heard of women who continue to miscarry at 4-5 weeks being nothing more than a clotting disorder and taking baby aspirin to help keep their pregnancies.

So I guess my question is if there’s anyone with any of these conditions who can give me some hope or guidance on getting pregnant and staying pregnant? Losing this second pregnancy has been awful mentally and emotionally and it’s got me scared to keep trying 😞

Thanks in advance 💕