Nap troubles

Bunny&Bear+2 • Married the Love of my Life: 9/2013 DD1: 1/2014. DD2: 6/2019 (Miscarriages: 10/2015, 1/2016, 4/2016, 6/2016, 5/2017)

So, my almost 10 month old baby girl refuses the pacifier, so she uses me to fall asleep- which would be fine, but it takes about 20 min to get her asleep enough for me to slip away, then usually about 10-15 minutes later, she is screaming her head off wanting me back! Some days, I’ll be in there 3,4 or 5 times trying to keep her asleep... I know she isn’t hungry, but she does need the sleep, so I hate to just give up and make her come out of the room, but I have a 6 year old I’m now homeschooling, plus I have my own things I need to get done!! It’s so hard to actually do anything else when I basically cannot do anything during her nap time, since I’m constantly back in there (and she will only occasionally fall back asleep on her own. She has done it a few times, but more often than not, is completely miserable screaming for me.)

My husband cannot take it and will run in there the instant she cry’s out, but I keep telling him she needs more sleep!! Yesterday he went and got her, and she slept on his shoulder for over 2.5 hours! Proof that she needs the sleep, but ruins me for today when he is back at work.

Any suggestions? (Other than cry it out?)