So hurt

I’ll never forgive my ex for saying “ God spared him when I had my miscarriage” how insensitive when I bled for so long was 3.5 months pregnant and doctors couldn’t tell me what’s going on. Knowing I had to start my own labor with pills I had to put up my vagina for more pain & blood. After he continued to share/like/ talk to other women when we have had many many talks about how I don’t like that. It’s my fault for forgiving him even when I was still mad we were still having sex( we live together) so basically still together. This time is different. Legally he has 30 days to leave the townhouse ( which is in my name) my fault again he got evicted from his last place and I got us a place in my name so he wouldn’t be homeless. My fault. When he got laid off and I held it down paid bills was buying groceries and at the time we had two dogs. I’m so hurt but I’m so numb. Like I expected this. Lessons learned. I’m not perfect but I’ve always been loyal. This last time he shared a video of a half naked girl twerking at 6am which was when I was getting up for work been working over over time. Anyway saying “ he didn’t know it was on there” that he has his granny on fb why would he share that but he was shared photos like it before. Like you must think I’m so so so stupid. Again my fault. None of my family lives here in this state I’m not from this state but I’m a strong independent Female. I sold all my stuff before we moved so everything in the place is his but I don’t even care. I’ll live in a empty house for awhile( not long I have money saved up). I’ll figure it out.

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You‘ve got this!
You‘ve got this!


Posted at
You will get through this. You are stronger than you think 💓He doesn’t and never will deserve you. Allow yourself to mourn the miscarriage and the end of your relationship with this joke-of-a-man. Give yourself time and space to welcome this new phase of your life. There is light at the end.