Is This Weird?

PREFACE/DISCLAIMER: This is not happening right this second due to COVID-19/the social distancing order. I just wanted to make that clear so people know that this is the plan for AFTER the order is lifted. We are currently following social distancing rules!

Okay!! So I am planning to move out with my good friend and my partner. We found a 3 bedroom house that is basically perfect, great price/location/yadda yadda.

Now here’s the thing: I want my own room. Not one I share with my partner, my OWN room. I have a couple reasons for this, which I will list:

- this is my first time living without family, and I would like my own space

- this would be my first time living with my partner, and I think that immediately sharing a room together might cause problems because that’s really close quarters really abruptly without time to ease into it

- my partner (as much as I love them) has a very, very, very messy room. I am not super anal about keeping things perfect, but I am definitely a lot more minimalist and organized than they are

- honestly, I just like my space. Whether that be from family, friends, even the person I am in love with.

Those are my main reasons. For further info, I have been with my partner for almost two years, I absolutely love them! And if living together goes smoothly when we each have separate spaces, I would not be against eventually just sharing a room and finding a fourth roommate for the vacated room! It’s just that at the moment, I want to move slow. I have never had roommates before and I think that the jump from never having roommates to sharing a bed with someone all the time might be a lot.

ANYWAY, I am just wondering: is this request reasonable? Am I being weird? What have you done in the past when moving out with a significant other? Advice?

TLDR: Moving out for the first time with my partner and a friend, and I want my own room instead of immediately sharing one with my partner. Is that weird?

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