


Who has started solids? What are you feeding your babies? How much cereal are you mixing? Do you follow instructions that make a ton or mix to what you think is good? What veggies have you started? Are they sitting in a high chair or your lap? When do you feed them? After their bottle, before, etc?

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At our 4 month appointment yesterday our pediatrician said only if he can sit in his high chair for 15 minutes without slumping over should we start solids. We haven’t tested that yet. She also said: skip the cereal and do fruits and veggies, only make a very small amount, start with a tablespoon, do it before a bottle (if he’s full he won’t be interested), no meat or peanut butter until after 6 months, don’t introduce a new food more than once every three days, and this is in addition to his normal bottles, not in place of anything.Most importantly, she said no rush to do it and that it was completely fine to wait for a couple months if we wanted to.


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Doing blw at 6 month :)Not gonna waste time/money on cereals/oatmeal


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Some people might disagree with this but my son is 3 now and since he was 4 months old the health visitor have me the go ahead to give my son “baby rice” it’s basically like porridge without the lumps or like ready-break if you know what that is ( I know all states name things differently) he had his milk had a nap then wake and had his baby rice. He gained weight just like he should of etc. By 5 months he was eating fruit pots. My second baby is 4 months now and I am/ will continue to do the same as I did with my first. The health visitor again gave me the go ahead as he is showing signs of being ready. I know the recommended age for anything but milk is 6 months but a lot can change in 3 years (clearly) but this worked for us and it still does.


Ginova🇬🇧 • Apr 21, 2020
I know I totally feel your mum haha but tbh the guide lines aren’t for everyone and you do what’s best for you and your baby. And yeah that’s the one my son has aswell he also loves the banana one. X


𝓐𝓼 • Apr 21, 2020
My little girl has just turned 4months and I have started her on the cow and gate baby rice. Just one spoonful mixed with her milk but only giving her a few of her baby spoon fills along side her 7oz of milk on her 10am feed. Just to give her the taste and texture etc. She loves it. Everytime I sit down to eat now she kicks a fuss cos she thinks it's her rice lol. I haven't had health visitors go ahead or anything just thought I would try her as wont do no harm. Things and guidelines change. My mam gave my brother a bit of rice at 6weeks old as nothing was filling him and he constantly cried after a feed for more. Health visitors back then where not impressed but it worked for him and made life easier for my mam lol


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We are waiting until 6 months for baby led weaning. Offer always after milk, and baby should be showing signs of readiness. I can't remember since my 1st but pinch grasp, sitting up unassisted, tongue thrusting (not just immediately passing stuff out with their tongue). I always let my child try to feed themselves. Offering a small amount of water in a straw cup. There is info out there but personally I think babies gut is not ready this early.


linh • Apr 21, 2020
Oh and baby can eat what you eat, but absolutely nothing and no honey! 🍯


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We’ve done avocado, and baby oatmeal with apple sauce and she loooves it. Just once a day.


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I do oatmeal in the morning (two tablespoons) mixed with whatever fruit I have open In the fridge. She usually nurses once and sometimes twice depending on naps before we eat some baby food in the middle of the day (no specific amount) and the. Two tbsp of cereal in her bottle before bed. So far we have tried bananas, apples, turkey (NOT a fan), sweet potatoes, peaches and apples&blueberries. If she finishes it all I usually make a little more for her! I started before we had our 4 month appt (which was yesterday even tho she’s 4 1/2 months) she loves her meal time!


Breana • Apr 22, 2020
Also we use a high chair! She just hangs out ☺️


Breana • Apr 22, 2020
I also usually nurse after every food feeding because I feel like she’s thirsty lol and just let her drink however much until she’s done so I know she’s completely full


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My Son Is 4 Months & He Only Eats Carrots He Doesn’t Like Anything Else Right Now 🤦🏽‍♀️ He Will Gag Like It’s The Worst Thing Ever If I Try To Give Him Anything Other Than Carrots , I Always Give It To Him Before His Bottle.


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We try to offer solids in between bottles. So say she eats a bottle every 3 hours, I usually will try some solids maybe 1.5 hours after she’s had a bottle. We only tried once so far (but that’s what we also kind of did with our son) and she wasn’t a fan. We tried carrots and when she didn’t like those I mixed together a little cereal. For the cereal I just made a half oz of formula and mixed in however much cereal I wanted for my desired consistency. She isn’t really a fan of eating anything yet. I just don’t think she’s quite ready. So I’m going to wait a week and try again. I sit her in her sit me up chair to feed her though. Lap is too hard and I feel like she’s too little for her high chair.


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Not planning on feeding until 6 months but from what i have read bottle before because milk is their main source of nutrition until 1. I believe it was bottle and then an hour later food but i could be wrong. I would also feed in high chair.


Ginova🇬🇧 • Apr 21, 2020
I did this with both of my children and it worked so much better because you know they are nice and full and just having fun with it😀


Posted at
I’m waiting until at least 6 mo. Probably will start with bananas or cooked carrots.