Has lockdown messed up anyone else’s psyche?

Mez • +they/them+ If my name changes it’s just part of my identity crisis🙃

I’ve felt awful for the past few weeks while on lockdown. Everything feels so heavy and the only time I ever left the house was for school and now that that’s gone. I don’t feel happy. I think I do for a while but then it turns into numbness. And it’s not like the usual numb when everything seems bland and I’m tired and my motivation drops, instead it’s like everything just isn’t completely there. I feel like I’m in some fever dream. Everything seems real but it’s not. Like I’m on the outside of everything and my emotions. And I’ll be going about my day then feel suddenly panicked or I’ll be hit with a wave of devastation and I sob really loudly but then it stops and everything isn’t there again. Is anyone else feeling this? Is it just stress?