Covid 19! Long post

Anyone going ahead with their covid 19 wedding?! Ours is for July 11 on our acerage and we’ve rented a tent chairs tables and all that. Obviously we have to make adjustments. We’re preparing for 30 -50 people being allowed to gather at that time. Just kinda wanted to throw my ideas out there lol my fiancé is getting annoyed with me constantly talking about this lol.

Okay so 30 people. That would be close family and our close friends/wedding party. We would keep the tent in case of rain and have a meal and drinks under the tent after. No DJ or dance floor just a supper and maybe just set up a sound system for music. We would ask someone in our circle to officiate. And we would have a photographer there. Might ask the DJ to come to do the music for the ceremony. Not sure what we would do for food. I’d still use my decorations to make the tent kinda dressy. But does that sounds lame? Like a boring wedding. Just a ceremony and No real dancing or anything, just a supper and drinks after. I won’t it still to be special and fun for our guests! And then next year we would plan an anniversary party and invite all the people we hoped to this year with the DJ dance floor and a meal.

50 person wedding we would have the same wedding we planned for 100 people with the catered meal, DJ, dance floor and no anniversary party next year.

We are probably going to wait until June 1 to make the decision based on what it looks like for guest numbers like what would be allowed. Obliviously it could change last minute.

How does this sound to you guys? I know it would be easier to maybe postpone until next year but we would like to give our daughter a sibling soon she’ll be 2 at the wedding.

Also last question. If we were to have a 30 person wedding, would it be a bad idea to start trying for a baby prior to the wedding? Since it won’t be a big party atmosphere. And then hopefully I get pregnant sooner rather then later so I could enjoy the big party next year. Anyone been a pregnant bride in the early stages? I’m not too concerned about the dress fitting, it’s as health form fitting dress but With my first I didn’t even show until after 24 weeks.

Anyways any advice would be great! Thanks so much!