Want to move forward..


I have been on and off with my relationship. He leaves me every month basically on the dot. He tells me I am 'perfect' and everything he wants but my mean words makes him leave. His meaning for mean words is if I say babe your clothes smell let me wash them, or babe maybe you should jump in the shower, can you please brush your teeth, etc.

I don't call him names or put him down. I support him as best as I can. Don't get me wrong I have in the past but this time he came back I was literally 'perfect,' and watched everything I said. He left again Friday night and took all his stuff which he always does and says you are too mean I will find someone better, etc. He lays hands on me and calls me every name in the book and I take it. This time he threatened my life twice which he never has before. I have said I won't go back 6 times as now he left me 7 times (been together for 7 months). He always regrets leaving and says he won't leave again and does.. I have believed it over and over but knowing deep down he will end up leaving I just keep having this hope that he won't leave. This time I felt different about him leaving. I felt relieved and safe.. He texted me and said I am sorry but I didn't reply. I want to finally let him go and continue to remind myself to not believe a liar that will continue to leave me. He doesn't deserve me or my love. I don't deserve to be left behind or physically and emotionally abused. I have been through this before and I am stronger now and want to truly let him go and move forward. I am taking it day by day ♥️