Workmate fantasy Pt. 1

Um first time writing anything like this. It’s a fantasy about one of my workmates haha. Well, let me know if you enjoy. I did 😉😂

He’s followed me out to my car. I wasn’t sure I wanted him to do that but I never told him to stop. If I did I know he would. Everyone says that he isn’t a good person and is annoying, but I know he’s very kind. He’s a boy in his twenties, that’s all. I know he’s not traditionally the best looking, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t fantasize about him at night. His soft black hair and dark skin... I like him a lot. I turn and look at him. “Hi..” I softly say as I let myself look at his hands.. remembering the fantasies from just the night before. My mouth twitches up at the corner as he gives me a “hello.”

“Do you need something?” I do my best to sound sincere and not rude. But if he doesn’t need anything I’d like to be on my way home so that I can lay in my bed and think of those hands again. I glance at them again and start to blush. Now he’s giving a closed lip smile. “Not really. Where are you going now?” He glances away and swallows. Is he nervous? I’m nervous.

“Well I was planning to go home. Where are you going?”

He clears his throat.

“Um, nowhere.”

I’m getting tired. I feel like maybe he’s messing with me. I’m not sure why he would be interested in me, I think he’s just being friendly. And It’s getting hot. It’s a Texas summer night: it’s humid and I’m swatting mosquitoes away. But still. I’m not sure why he’s out here with me. Should I ask again? Instead I go from leaning against the car and open the door. Unlocking them all. “Would- would you like to sit with me for a minute?” I motion to the car. He blinks at me. I panic and start to explain myself. “Uh I mean.. it’s just that it’s hot and I’m getting bit-“

“Yes, thank you. “ he’s already walked over and has opened the passenger door and is climbing in while he says it.

I turn on the car and the open the AC vents. We are quiet for a minute while he looks around and I feel the blush in my cheeks traveling down my chest. I glance at what he’s looking at. A pile of empty water bottles sitting in my back seat. “Sorry. I haven’t gotten to clean in a little while.”

“No, it’s okay.” I feel the air start to thicken up. Even with the cool air now blasting on me it feels warm and thick as if we were still outside. I look at his hands again.

When I look up he’s staring at me curiously. I’m not sure what it means.. “what?” My voice cracks and I have to clear my throat. He smiles and shakes his head. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I give a half smile to not sound so, or look so, anxious. The air is still thick in the car and he’s reached over and turned the AC down so it’s not blasting so much. The sound is gone and I’m already missing the feel of it. The tension is much more prominent without it. Now all I can hear is my heart beating fast.

When I look back from out the AC knob his eyes are climbing up my body. I look away feeling guilty that I’ve caught him. Why am I the one feeling guilty? He’s the one looking! Still, I don’t look back at him. While I’m watching the water he says “Em, You are so beautiful.” I snap back to face him “me??” I say with surprise. “Yes. You. “ I try to suppress my smile and look down in my lap. “Oh thank you.” I search for the next words to say. I want to compliment him too but all I can think of are his hands. “You’re very handsome also.” He reaches over and sets that hand on my thigh. Warmth settling in where it lays. And another warmth just a little more upward. I lift my head up.

“Really??” He’s grinning big now and has leaned in closer to me. I don’t back away.

“Yes- I think so. “ we’ve locked eyes and just look at each other for a bit. “Thank you..” he whispers. Leaning closer to me now. His eyes are drooping. And I feel the tail end of his breath brush on my face. I lean a tad closer to him. I stare at his lips. They’re plump and pink. When I look back at his eyes he has something else in them. Desire. He’s very close now. Not much farther. He reaches forward with his other hand and cups my cheek. My eyes flutter closed. The next thing I feel are those plump lips on mine. Gentle. My own desire is starting to flow downwards. I press into the kiss and he’s working his lips on mine. It feels so good. Soon his tongue is licking my lips asking for entrance. I give it immediately. Pulling my arms around his back and his tongue is running circles in my mouth. We are breathing hard and he breaks away. I feel empty. I open my eyes and he’s blushing. Blushing for me? Or is it something else? He is smiling and his teeth are bright against his tan skin and swollen lips. I smile too. I need to know. We are still in each others arms when I lean in again but this time to his neck. I kiss his neck and he gives a quick moan. That sound mixed with the smell of him send a vibration through my body. He smells so good I’m getting slightly light headed. Manly musk mixed with body wash. I move to his ear and kiss the jaw bone right next to it. His grip on my thigh tightens. “Let’s go somewhere”. The words snake out of me before I realize I said it. But I mean it.

I’m nervous he’s changed his mind, knowing he can do better than me when he leans back into his seat. My heart sinks and I think he’s reaching for the door handle. But instead he pulls his seatbelt over him and it clicks into place. I’m surprised and watching him when he looks back at me funny. “I’m ready to go if you still want to. “ I nod, do the same, and drive off.

When we reach my apartment I’m so nervous that my legs have to turned to jello when I get out of the car. We walk up the stairs in silence till we get to my door. As soon as we walk in I’m thankful I’d cleaned recently. He is looking around.

“Would you like something to drink?” I ask.

“Yeah I’ll take a water. Thanks. “

He smiles at me and follows me into the kitchen area.

Over the ice clinking into the glass I hear him say “you have a nice place”

“Oh thanks. I just was able to finish unpacking since I moved in not too long ago.”

He nods but doesn’t say anything and there’s a tension filled silence as I walk towards him to hand him the glass. My body hasn’t forgotten what happened in the parking lot. He takes the glass and takes two big gulps. While he’s drinking I take him in. My eyes running down his chest, stomach, and legs; and then taking my time with his muscular arms that I fantasize about often. About having them on me. About gripping them while he-

I’m interrupted by the sound of the glass clanking against the counter. He’s smirking now. And has taken a step closer closing the gap between us. He reaches down and strokes the hair by my face, playing with it. He runs his thumb along my bottom lip. I slightly open my mouth and kiss his thumb. I’m now making the moves. My body is getting impatient. I put my hands on his waist and pull him so we are flush against each other. His eyebrows go up in surprise and he giggles that gorgeous sound. I remember why I brought him here. What I’ve wanted for so long. I snake my arms around his firm back and run my hand up the middle of it as I lean in and start kissing his neck. I get bold and give it a nice soft lick when he grips the counter behind him and lets out a soft moan. I glance at those hands of his and see his knuckles white from gripping the counter so hard. I pull away and give his lips a peck. Grabbing his hand, I lead him to the bedroom.