Workmate Fantasy Pt. 2

I hear his heavy breath as I open and close the door. I kick off my shoes at the entrance and turn back to him. He’s on me now. Kissing me again, forcefully this time. I’m moaning and giving him my all. The feeling of his tongue in my mouth makes me anticipate so much more what other parts of his will feel like inside me.

I didn’t even realize he was walking me backwards until the back of my legs hit my bed. I break our kiss and crawl backwards into the bed. Still standing there watching me, I gaze at him while he slips his shirt off of himself and I see his nice arms in all their glory. I’m panting- breathless- now. His shoes are off and hes climbing on the bed with me. Slowly over my body all while keeping deep eye contact with me. I reach up and feel his chest and down his arms. He’s on top of me but resting his knees between my legs. I kiss him again slipping his wet tongue between my lips and sucking softly as I reach up and run a hand down his stomach. I almost let out a cry when I feel the softness of his happy trail leading me to my destination. That’s something I’m insanely attracted to- the hair. And he has a thick trail of hair. I moan into his mouth as I toy with it on my finger tips. Slowly it gets thicker as I follow that hair downwards to his belt buckle. I grab the buckle and he leans back. He looks at me. The want so clearly in his eyes and grabs the hem of my top and pulls it over me revealing just my bra. I smile and quickly undo his belt. Breathing hard working fast to undo the button and zipper on his jeans. He reaches down and helps me get him out of them. Now I’m fumbling with my own. I can’t get the button undone from the way I’m laying and I’m quickly getting frustrated. He laughs and reaches down slowly. His hands purposefully grazing the soft of my lower stomach as he undoes the button and zipper. I’m not so patient and I rip my skinny jeans off my legs. As soon as they’re off he grabs my hands. A seriously look in his eyes “are... are you sure you want to.. you want to with me?” The words “with me” almost break me. I squeeze his hands. “Yes. Please yes. I want to with you.” I make sure to add the end part. No way will I let this beautiful man think he is not desired. I’ve wanted this moment for months. Thought about it for months. Fantasized about those hands that are holding mine for months. It’s time to make it real. Almost immediately after I finish my sentence he has pushed my back against the bed and is making out with me again. With fervor now. Like any dam that had held him back has been broken. I let mine break too. I run my fingers through his hair and down his back. Feeling him everywhere. Just his boxers, my bra, and my underwear as the barrier between us. He reaches his hands underneath my back with skill and undoes my bra. There goes one barrier. It was Almost like we had rehearsed it. When it’s off he gazes at me and his jaw is open. Everything has gone still again. I’m embarrassed. He doesn’t like what he sees and just when I’m about to grab my bra and pull it back on myself he says “oh my god. Wow” and lays back on me working his lips against my neck now. His warm chest against mine feels so good and the feeling of his lips against my skin has me dizzy. He rests his palm on my right boob and is playing circles on my nipple, pinching every once in a while. Liquid is pooling in between my legs I’m amazed his knee isn’t damp now. I’m groaning and have my hands at his waist band. I pull it off him. Another barrier -gone. It was with some resistance. I see why when I look down. It’s big. And very hard. It’s tan yet pink. The veins pop out of it and the longer I look at it the more it twitches. “Uhh, im going to come if you keep looking at it like that.” He groans. I give a sheepish smile and peer at him under my eyelashes.

“Can I touch it?” He leans back so he’s standing on his knees and opens his arms giving me a barely noticeable nod. I get up on my knees carefully. I slowly reach down. I hold my hand over it for a moment and look up. Yura is watching me. His face has a look I’ve never seen before. I look back down and wet my lips. I wrap my hand around it pretty firmly. He lets out a hard breath. He balances himself on my shoulder. I let go and trace my finger up and down the shaft. Back to tip giving small circles on the head. His eyes are closed and his breathing is getting more labored. My desire is in the pit of my stomach now. I grab it again and start stroking it up and down. Up and down. Up. Back down. He’s hunched over. One hand on my shoulder one on the bed. His grip is tightened on my shoulder. I smirk. I like being able to make him feel good like that. I start pumping again. His eyes shoot open when he feels my lean down and I stick the tip in my mouth. “Ohhhhhhh” he moans. I lick it up and down now. His hand that was once on my shoulder now In my hair. I’m licking and groping and I feel just as good as he does each time he lets out a moan or gives any sign he likes it. any restrained hip thrust in my mouth or tightening grip in my hair. “Stop” he croaks. “Wait. Stop.” I pull back and let go thinking he’s changed his mind. I’m not doing it for him. He sees my look of rejection and spits out “I don’t want to come yet. I want to do more first. I’ve waited too long for this.” Oh. He was going to come. And he’s waited for this. Did he think of my hands too? My confidence renewed, I nod and smile. He gives me a long kiss. “ Let me make love to you tonight.” He whispers close to my ear. He’s running that hand down my stomach to my underwear. It’s soaked by now and I’m almost embarrassed. He doesn’t seem to notice. And if he does, he doesn’t mind. I feel those fingers crawl inside my panties and I fall against him as he cups me. My arms are around his dark shoulders and gripping his lush dark hair.

I’ve imagined that too.

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