Need to vent....

Long story short, me, my boyfriend and our daughter moved to California last year. We had others plans for another state, but that failed so now we are here. We first lived with his family, and it was awful. My daughter was sick multiple times, his family did not like me and there was other drama as well. We got "kicked out" but they ended up apologizing to us because my boyfriend was paying for almost all the bills in the house. I couldn't take it anymore. I have an aunt who lives in LA so we packed our things and headed there. The first couple weeks were fine, we were really relaxed and very hopeful....until what happend the other day.

We sat down for breakfast and as we were feeding our daughter, my aunt went off on us. Saying things like we didn't have a plan when we came here, how people told her she was "stupid" for taking us in, on and on she went just yelling at us. Fast foward to night time, I get a call from my grandmother. I answer the phone and I hear her crying. I went inside the batheroom, and I ask her what's wrong? She then tells me how my aunt called her in the morning and basically did the same thing. Ranted about me and my family. My grandma told me "And you know what the worst part was? She said that you were the worst mother ever and that you don't take care of your daughter." I literally dropped to my knees and cried. I never felt so hurt before. It just felt like my heart stopped for a moment and I couldn't breathe. It really tore me apart. I had to hang up and re-collect myself. Right now, I honestly don't know what to do. I told my boyfriend what had happen and he was furious. He has a job right now, so our plan is to save up as much as possible and move out before our daughter's bday. From what I was told, she has been talking a bunch of stuff about us and everything we do. She told it to her "clique" and they don't even know us personally. I don't know if I can take more of this but I guess I really have no choice til then....