Ugh when do the little ones stop screaming all the time?

Pen • 8/17 🌈👧🏼 | 11/19 🌈👦🏼| 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

This is about my 6 month old not my 2.5 year old, but since lots of you guys have had new babies more recently I hope you can give me some insight... I don't remember with my toddler, but can anyone give me an idea of when the babies stop just screaming all the time? My son will be completely fed, clean, warm and safe and if we put him down he will be chill for maybe half an hour after he wakes up but then otherwise just screams and fusses until he gets picked up again, or until we put him in his crib for a nap. I don't remember if this even happened with my daughter or if it did, when it stopped. He screams like he's being tortured when he gets put down, it's sad and exhausting. Not to mention my toddler is getting pretty sick of it too! "Baby brother's loud!" Is a daily exclamation in our house. 🤦🏻‍♀️ tell me it gets better! Hopefully soon 😂🙄