Negative Test

So I have been waited for two weeks , took 4 pregnancy test and all came out negative . I did have sex within my fertility window .. I felt all the pregnancy symptoms and was evening spotting for 3 days .. I have irregular periods (it’s not even a period nor spotting - when I get it I don’t spot a lot through out the day) however, this spotting I had was continuous throughout the three days ... I went to take a PCOS test and that came out negative. I also saw a chart of my data compared to whats regular,not normal and what pregnant women levels were supposed to be , mine were within all range of normal ... could I even still be pregnant ? At this point I don’t think I am .. I took 2 first response and 2 clear blue digital and they’re all negative ... how long did it take you guys to find out you were pregnant ? I also won’t be able to tell if I am pregnant when I missed a period because I don’t mine every month ..