First home insemination 05-15-2020


Being in a lesbian relationship I felt i would never be able to experience mother hood and canceled myself out being a mother until I heard of home insemination , in the beginning I was unsure but as time went on my Urge to be a mother grew . Eventually I came to the decision that home insemination would be my first start . I began tracking my ovulation days and looking up sperm banks that would best fit my needs ., after finding a donor I picked a date for the the process and had my the sperm shipped to me . The sperm tank kept the sperm alive for 7 days and I did my first insemination 12 hours after receiving I first peak symbol on clear blue ovulation test and then 12 hours after my first insemination. I’m currently a week into my two week wait and it has been the longest wait ever ! I haven’t experience any symptoms besides cramping since my process and today I’m very emotional and my boobs are a tiny bit sore but my Period is scheduled to come in 8 days so I’m not sure if it’s PMS or early pregnancy symptoms .

Ps.Please feel free to share your experience , leave advice or ask questions 🤍